Pepperomia Emerald Ripple $15
Ripple peperomia is a slow-growing houseplant and doesn’t grow taller than 8” (20 cm). Its attractive feature is the waxy, thick heart-shaped leaves that have a crinkled or puckered appearance. Spiked flowers (inflorescence) also add to the plant’s appealing characteristics.
140 mm pots
Ripple peperomia is a slow-growing houseplant and doesn’t grow taller than 8” (20 cm). Its attractive feature is the waxy, thick heart-shaped leaves that have a crinkled or puckered appearance. Spiked flowers (inflorescence) also add to the plant’s appealing characteristics.
140 mm pots
Ripple peperomia is a slow-growing houseplant and doesn’t grow taller than 8” (20 cm). Its attractive feature is the waxy, thick heart-shaped leaves that have a crinkled or puckered appearance. Spiked flowers (inflorescence) also add to the plant’s appealing characteristics.
140 mm pots
Like most peperomia species, the Peperomia caperata is a semi-succulent plant. Its epiphytic roots mean that emerald ripple peperomias need to grow in a light, aerated potting medium where oxygen and moisture can get to the plant’s roots.
Houseplants in the Peperomia genus are also referred to as radiator plants. The common name comes from the fact that peperomia plants thrive in warm air and sunlight. However, these versatile indoor plants also grow well in the shade and drier climates.
eperomia plants grow best in bright indirect light provided by a west or east facing, window. They also do well under florescent lights. Insufficient light causes this slow growing plant to stop growing all together. Direct sunlight burns the leaves.