Monstera Pinnatipartita Rarer Variety. $25


Another beautiful glossy leaved Monstera….A lot more fleshy than others ….Still on the rarer side.

It is native to Central and South America.

It prefers bright light and like most Monstera…it likes i

to be watered when really dry.

In 14cm pots

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Another beautiful glossy leaved Monstera….A lot more fleshy than others ….Still on the rarer side.

It is native to Central and South America.

It prefers bright light and like most Monstera…it likes i

to be watered when really dry.

In 14cm pots

Another beautiful glossy leaved Monstera….A lot more fleshy than others ….Still on the rarer side.

It is native to Central and South America.

It prefers bright light and like most Monstera…it likes i

to be watered when really dry.

In 14cm pots

Philodendron Brasil on Totems. $49
Selaginella $12
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Pachystachys lutea..Golden Candle $29
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