Sansevieria Silbersee $59
200mm pots
Very well established Plants..
One of the best Plants to have in your home.
Great for the bedroom becaise it releases oxygen at night.
Very easy srores all it's water in the foliage so you only have to water about once a month.
200mm pots
Very well established Plants..
One of the best Plants to have in your home.
Great for the bedroom becaise it releases oxygen at night.
Very easy srores all it's water in the foliage so you only have to water about once a month.
200mm pots
Very well established Plants..
One of the best Plants to have in your home.
Great for the bedroom becaise it releases oxygen at night.
Very easy srores all it's water in the foliage so you only have to water about once a month.
Sansevieria trifasciata Silbersee. Silbersee is a form of snake plant that has thick, sword-like silver grey leaves. Requiring very low maintenance , Silbersee is a perfect pot plant and can even be grown indoors. Sansevieria are heat and drought hardy when established.