Calathea Makoyana $30
200mm pots
200mm pots
200mm pots
One of the most popular calathea varieties is the so-called peacock plant. It’s got some impressive large leaves with a strong pattern. This girl likes to flaunt it! It needs to justify its Peacock Plant name after all.
Calathea Care Notes
All types of Calathea do best in shaded settings ranging from full shade to partial shade. Bright light but, indirect light is the best light setting for Calathea.
All varieties do well in a setting with bright, indirect sunlight. Some varieties prefer slightly more or less sun.
Because Calatheas are tropical plants, they need warm indoor temperatures between (60° – 80° degrees Fahrenheit) and humidity. But, they do not need heavy watering.
They have moderate watering needs and do well with a soak and dry watering method. This involves watering thoroughly and waiting for the top inch of soil dries before watering again. No soggy soil!
Excessive watering can lead to problems with pests such as spider mites, scale, and aphids. Low humidity levels can lead to problems with tips on leaves drying up, brown edges, leaf curling, and turning brown.