Bouganvillea Vera $15
17.5cm pots
Bright Cheery and Colourful.
17.5cm pots
Bright Cheery and Colourful.
17.5cm pots
Bright Cheery and Colourful.
Colorful Combinations
What many people think of as the blooms of bougainvillea aren't actually blooms at all. The showy paper-like structures are a modified leaf called a bract. These bracts hide the actual flowers inside, which are small and trumpet-shaped in whites and yellows. The showy bracts are typically found on new growth, with the showiest display following their winter dormancy. Normally, you'll see the best blooms following a dry winter. If you're using bougainvillea as an indoor houseplant, keep the plants mostly dry during winter.
Bougainvillea Care Must-Knows
Since bougainvilleas are tropical natives, make sure they get plenty of sun! Some varieties can handle part sun but won't perform as well as they could in full sun. In less than full sun, plants will be much more sparse and have a less spectacular flower show, if any at all. On the other hand, keeping your bougainvillea in full sun will keep your plant blooming.